E-calendar – what is it?
Sheets of paper, notebooks, emails, SMS, and many, many more. If Your company’s communication system has up until now been based on these, you are certainly well aware of their drawbacks and, above all, how difficult it is to keep such chaos under control. It only takes a moment of inattention for a note or a client’s booking to get “misplaced” somewhere and consequently put you at risk of considerable operational problems.
But this “scattering” of information carries far more risks. By using multiple, often unrelated, channels, you begin to lose control of what is happening in Your firm. A lot of time is spent searching and gathering information, and not only the quality of communication but, above all, productivity is affected.
If you want to avoid this, bring order once and for all and finally focus on what matters most to Your business? It seems like online e-calendar is just the thing for you.